+FLASH N.º 26 - Publicações

Lista de Estudos e Relatórios divulgados recentemente: 

Be the Solution on Soil Pollution- Outcome Document of the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution | FAO, Maio 2018

CAP 2021-27: Proposals for increasing its environmental and climate ambition | Institute for European Environmental Policy, novembro 2018

Combater a desertificação na UE: uma ameaça crescente que exige mais ação | Tribunal de Contas Europeu, 18 dezembro de 2018

Emerging agricultural policy frameworks in the UK | Institute for European Environmental Policy, 29 novembro 2018

EU Agricultural Outlook – For Markets and Income (2018-2030) | European Commission, dezembro 2018

Main Economic Indicators, Volume 2018 Issue 12 | OCDE, dezembro 2018

OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: European Union 2018 | OCDE, 2018

Opinion N.º 10/2018 concerning the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument | Tribunal de Contas Europeu, 17dezembro 2018

Perspectives on Global Development 2019 – Rethinking Development Strategies | OCDE, 2018

Retrato de Portugal na Europa | PORDATA - Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, outubro 2018

Report on the Bioeconomy Workshop of 20-21.09.2018 | European Commission, 6 dezembro 2018

State of Mediterranean Forests 2018 | FAO, 2018

Sustainable Development Goals & the EU: uncovering the nexus between external and internal policies | Institute for European Environmental Policy, 11 dezembro 2018



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