
The Agroforestry Complex in the Portuguese Economy – 2020 97 In particular in 2020, agricultural output at basic prices fell 3.2% in value due above all to a fall in vol- ume (down 3.9%). The following is of note: 6 On the fruit production side, there was a large decline in volume (-11.1%) with negative contributions by fresh fruit (-16.2%), grapes (-5%), which suffered a regionally uniform decline, and olives (-5.3%), in a year of poor harvests and problems of setting. This drop in fresh fruit output was contributed to by lower production of apples (-25%), after a very good campaign in 2019, and pears (-35%), whose harvest was the lowest of the last decade, affected namely by poor weather conditions. Also of note, on the nuts side, was the fall in almond production, with lower non-irrigated almond tree yield in the northern inland region, and the maintenance of chestnut production. The implicit prices of fruit rose (5.3%), with higher cherry, almond and citrus prices, mitigating the drop in value (-4.3%). 7 Vegetables and horticultural products, which account for 15.5% of farm output, fell in volume (-7.9%), reflecting a decline in fresh hor- ticultural produce (-14.8%), namely tomatoes for processing (-15.0%), with the fall in the installed area, as well as average yield (note that the 2019 tomato harvest for processing had the highest unit income since regular records exist). Flower production grew in volume (0.5%), despite being one of the sectors most affected by Covid-19, with a drop in demand and closing of markets. • Crop output saw a drop in value (-4.8%) due to lower output in volume (-6.9%), namely of fruits 6 (-11.1%), vegetables and horticultural products 7 Table 8 – Structure of agricultural output at basic prices and respective changes (%) 1 The “industrial crops” component includes “Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits” (e.g. rapeseed, sunflower and soya), “Protein crops (including seeds)”, “Unprocessed tobacco”, “Sugar beet” and “Other industrial crops” (e.g. fibre plants and hops); 2 The “other plant products” component includes “Materials for plaiting”, “Seeds”, “Sweet potatoes”, “Aromatic plants” and “Other plant products: other”; 3 The “other animal products” component includes “eggs”, “honey”, “snails”, “other animal products” (e.g. raw wool, silkworm cocoons), “other animals” (e.g. equidae) Note: Figures n this table refer to agricultural output at basic prices, which includes product subsidies, and therefore does not coincide with tables 1 and 2 with agricultural output at market prices, which does not include the aforementioned subsidies. Source : GPP, from the EAA (Base 2016), INE Data last updated: 26 February 2021 Production structure (%) Average annual growth rate - average 1999/01 and average 2018/20P (%) Average annual growth rate - average 2009/11 and average 2018/20P (%) Rate of change 2019P-2020P (%) average 2009/10/11 average 2018/19/20 Change p.p. Volume Price Value Volume Price Value Volume Price Value Production of the Agricultural Industry (basic prices) 100,0 100,0 0,6 0,7 1,3 1,9 1,0 2,9 -3,9 0,8 -3,2 Production of agriculture (basic prices) 97,5 97,2 -0,3 0,6 0,7 1,3 1,8 1,0 2,9 -3,9 0,8 -3,1 Production of agricultural goods 95,2 94,7 -0,4 0,6 0,6 1,2 1,8 1,0 2,9 -4,0 0,7 -3,4 Crop Output 54,9 57,8 2,9 0,9 0,3 1,2 2,7 1,0 3,7 -6,9 2,3 -4,8 Cereals (including seeds) 4,0 3,0 -1,0 2,3 -5,7 -3,5 3,6 -4,5 -1,1 -6,2 3,5 -2,9 Industrial crops 1 0,5 0,9 0,4 -5,3 3,0 -2,5 4,6 6,4 11,4 -1,0 10,0 8,9 Forage Crops 4,3 3,2 -1,0 -2,5 1,4 -1,1 -0,9 -0,2 -1,1 10,2 -0,3 9,9 Plants and Vegetable Products 16,5 15,5 -1,0 1,1 1,2 2,4 1,0 1,0 2,0 -7,9 -0,4 -8,3 Potatoes (including seeds) 1,6 1,6 0,0 -1,4 2,0 0,6 0,7 2,1 2,9 -0,2 -20,9 -21,0 Fruit 15,7 20,5 4,8 2,6 0,7 3,3 5,0 1,9 6,9 -11,1 7,6 -4,3 Wine 10,7 10,8 0,1 -1,2 0,5 -0,7 1,4 1,7 3,1 -5,0 0,7 -4,3 Olive oil 0,9 1,3 0,4 4,1 2,9 6,9 2,2 5,8 8,1 -6,0 14,4 7,5 Other crops 2 0,7 0,9 0,2 0,4 6,4 6,8 5,1 0,8 5,8 0,0 -12,9 -12,9 Animal Output 40,3 37,0 -3,3 0,1 1,1 1,3 0,6 1,1 1,7 0,6 -1,8 -1,1 Cattle 8,9 7,9 -1,0 -2,0 4,1 1,9 -2,6 3,8 1,2 6,6 -3,1 3,3 Pigs 7,8 7,7 -0,1 1,8 -0,3 1,5 2,5 0,2 2,7 -2,2 -1,2 -3,3 Sheep and goats 1,8 1,8 0,0 -0,8 0,0 -0,9 2,3 0,7 2,9 -10,0 4,5 -5,9 Poultry 7,3 6,4 -0,9 1,7 0,3 2,0 2,3 -1,1 1,1 -1,2 -2,5 -3,7 Milk 10,4 9,0 -1,5 -0,4 0,6 0,3 0,0 0,7 0,7 1,5 -0,5 1,0 Other livestock production 3 4,0 4,1 0,1 2,8 -0,4 2,4 2,3 1,0 3,3 1,6 -5,2 -3,7 Agricultural Services 2,3 2,5 0,2 2,4 2,2 4,7 2,8 1,2 4,1 0,0 5,8 5,9 Secondary Non-Agricultural Activities (non-separable) 2,5 2,8 0,3 -0,6 0,9 0,3 4,1 0,2 4,3 -3,6 0,0 -3,6