
94 ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTIVE STUDIES CULTIVAR Issue 22 APRIL 2021 exports even more so, especially in the tourism sec- tor, with the trade balance registering a deficit (-€4b) after consecutive surpluses from 2013. In 2020, the agroforestry complex, which includes agriculture and agrifood manufacturers, saw export growth (2.4%), contrary to the economy as a whole, and a drop in imports (-4.8%), with an improvement in the corresponding trade balance. International trade in the forestry complex dropped significantly (-10% in exports of goods and services and -10.8% in imports) to a level close to the economy as a whole, although it maintained a positive trade balance. In terms of the export/import ratio, the percentage of foreign purchases offset by sales abroad in the agroforestry complex was positive, rising from 65.5% in 2000 to 88.6% in 2020. B) Agricultural Economy In the period from 2010 to 2020, GVA in the agri- cultural sector grew by an annual average of 0.8% in value, falling slightly in volume (‑0.2% per year). Notably, the change in GVA in volume was due above all to higher growth in intermediate con- sumption (1.9% per year) than in agricultural output (1.1% per year). On implicit prices, there was higher growth in production (0.8% per year) than in inter- mediate consumption (0.6% per year). In particular, 2020 was marked by a downturn in agricultural GVA, with a steep drop in value (-10.1%) and in volume Table 5 – Average annual variation in production, intermediate consumptionGVA and GDP of agriculture(%) P = Provisional data Source : GPP, from the NA and EAA (Base 2016), INE Data last updated: 28 February 2020 2010/2020P 2019P/2020P Volume Price Value Volume Price Value Agricultural production mp 1,1 0,8 1,9 -4,0 0,5 -3,5 Intermediate consumption 1,9 0,6 2,5 -0,1 0,6 0,5 Agricultural GVA mp -0,2 1,0 0,8 -10,4 0,3 -10,1 GDP mp -0,1 1,4 1,2 -7,6 2,5 -5,3 Chart 2 – agricultural GVA and GDP in volume and value (2000=100) P = Provisional data Source : GPP, from the NA and EAA (Base 2016), INE Data last updated: 28 February 2020