
76 ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTIVE STUDIES CULTIVAR Issue 22 APRIL 2021 agricultural, forestry and other types of land that they manage, occupy and are responsible for the use of 56% of mainland Portugal. The largest share of this land is Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA), with 3.84 million hectares (an increase of 296 thousand hectares from 2009). i) Regions The importance of Utilised Agricultural Area in land use varies greatly in the different areas of the country. Although it occupies around 43% of mainland Portu- gal as a whole, it differs greatly from region to region: in the Beira Litoral region it occupies only 11% of the land, whereas in the Alentejo it exceeds 78%. ii) Physical size Results also show that there is a high concentration of UAA on a limited number of farms. Holdings larger than 50 ha, although they represent only 4% of all farm holdings, account for more than two-thirds of the UAA (69%). By contrast, small farm holdings with less than 5 ha, occupying only 9% of the UAA, are the most repre- sentative in number, corresponding to 73% of all farms. This numerical representation is evidence of the variety of situations that make up the Portu- guese agriculture, with characteristics and purposes very different from each other. Source : 2019AC Figure 4 − Distribution of UAA and the number of farm holdings by UAA class (2019) 9% 22% 69% < 5 ha 5 to 50 ha >=50 ha 73% 23% 4% < 5 ha 5 to 50 ha >=50 ha 9% 22% 69% < 5 ha 5 to 50 ha >= 0 ha 73% 23% 4% < 5 ha 5 to 50 ha >= 0 ha UAA No. of farm holdings Table 1 − Land and agricultural area by region (1989 and 2019) Agricultural Region Land area (ha) 1989 2019 Utilised Agricultural Area (ha) Percentage of UAA in total land (%) Average UAA per holding (ha) Utilised Agricultural Area (ha) Percentage of UAA in total land (%) Average UAA per holding (ha) Mainland 8 910 216 3 879 579 43,5 7,0 3 838 708 43,1 14,4 EDM 900 624 289 624 32,2 2,6 212 639 23,6 4,8 TM 1 227 964 489 133 39,8 6,1 450 701 36,7 6,9 BL 1 171 529 231 458 19,8 1,8 129 848 11,1 2,9 BI 1 195 784 433 947 36,3 7,2 391 754 32,8 11,7 LVT 1 181 642 456 544 38,6 4,6 409 095 34,6 11,9 ALE 2 732 993 1 842 094 67,4 39,2 2 144 066 78,5 68,9 ALG 499 680 136 77 27,4 5,2 100 605 20,1 7,9 Source: 1989AC and 2019AC Table 2 − Distribution of the number of farm holdings and UAA by physical size class (1989 and 2019) 1989 2019 Farm Holdings UAA SAU média Farm Holdings UAA Average UAA Nº (%) Ha (%) Nº (%) Ha (%) < 5 ha 450 405 81,8 731 458 18,9 1,6 193 179 72,6 353 291 9,2 1,8 5 to 50 ha 91 424 16,6 1 090 803 28,1 11,9 60 776 22,8 823 120 21,4 13,5 >=50 ha 9 050 1,6 2 057 316 53,0 227,3 12 084 4,5 2 662 297 69,4 220.3 Mainland 550 879 100,0 3 879 577 100,0 7,0 266 039 100,0 3 838 708 100,0 14,4 Source: 1989AC and 2019AC