
Rural population in mainland Portugal 105 Old-Age Dependency Ratio in rural parishes OADR – Old – Age Dependency Ratio = Population aged 65 or over × 100 4 Population aged 15 to 64 4 • The clear ageing of the population seen in 2001 in the northeast, central inland and Algarve regions is also reflected in the OADR, which, in this census, included 104 rural parishes with a figure over 100. • There was a lower OADR in the parishes clos- est to the coast between Viana do Castelo and Setúbal, which account for over 1/3 of total rural parishes; 4 A figure below 100 signifies a lower number of old people (>64) than people of working age (15–64). • In 2011, the OADR showed a country that was older, exacerbating the situation seen in 2001 in the northeast, central inland and Algarve high- land regions. There was a pronounced change in the number of parishes with OADR >100 (+138.5%), rising from 104 to 248. • Inversely, parishes with OADR <30 declined from 1,123 to 731 (-34.9%) and are now only notable around the AMP and Braga and in the northern areas of the Lisbon district. 2001 2011